
This IPL section is entirely exclusive to GTA: Underground and is used to create so-called tower clocks and digital clocks. Both are features ported from GTA: III and can be seen in Times Square.


The format is as follows:

Center X, Center Y, Center Z, Width, Height, Type, R, G, B, Draw distance, Scale

Identifier Description
Center X, Center Y, Center Z The coordinates defining the center of the clock.
Width, Height The size of the clock. Negative values can be used to "flip" the clock.
Type The clock type.
R, G, B This is the color of the light bulbs when this is a digital clock. If this is a tower clock, this is the color of the two clock needles.
Draw distance The draw distance of this clock. If the camera is further away than this value, the clock will no longer be visible.
Scale This is the size of the light bulbs when this is a digital clock. If this is a tower clock, this value is a multiplier for the length of the clock needles (a value of 1.0 is therefore the default value)

Clock types
Type Screenshot Description
0 This is a tower clock. Tower clocks are essentially useful if you want to have a functional analog clock on your buildings.
1 This is a digital clock. It will display the in-game time as well as the current temperature through a number of bulbs. The temperature displayed is calculated from a set of base temperature values. When using server-side weathers you have the ability to set a temperature value and see how it gets displayed by a digital clock once you set it as the current weather type.


Here are the lines used in Liberty City.

# Center X, Center Y, Center Z, Width, Height, Type, R, G, B, Draw distance, Scale
8309.4, 7168.7, 54.15, 0, -1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 80.0, 2.0
8305.4, 7166.4, 54.15, 0, 0.0, -1.0, 0, 0, 0, 80.0, 2.0
8304.59, 7168.04, 32.803, 1, 0.501368, -0.865234, 255, 0, 0, 100.0, 0.8
8310.46, 7167.2, 32.803, 1, -0.501368, 0.865234, 0, 0, 255, 100.0, 0.8
8307.86, 7170.63, 32.803, 1, -0.865234, -0.501368, 0, 255, 0, 100.0, 0.8